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Xigua English

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(based on 25 reviews)

We are a group of ESL teachers based in China, but the materials we provide here are suitable for ESL students anywhere in the world. We have a selection of stand alone lessons, and presentations that can easily be incorporated into existing lessons for ESL students. Almost all of our materials are aimed at students over 16, but they would work with any learners of an intermediate level or higher.




We are a group of ESL teachers based in China, but the materials we provide here are suitable for ESL students anywhere in the world. We have a selection of stand alone lessons, and presentations that can easily be incorporated into existing lessons for ESL students. Almost all of our materials are aimed at students over 16, but they would work with any learners of an intermediate level or higher.
Riddle Collection

Riddle Collection

A harder collection of riddles for ESL students, which really gets them thinking and can spark discussion if presented in the right way.
Elephants in Denmark

Elephants in Denmark

The classic mind trick which is always bouncing around social media adapted to fill the last five minutes of an ESL class.
51 Quick ESL Riddles

51 Quick ESL Riddles

Fifty one quick riddles for ESL students designed to get them thinking in English. Personally I drip feed in one or two at the start of each class to get them thinking.
Lying ESL Activity

Lying ESL Activity

A 45 minute ESL lesson with ppt and plan to get students talking on the subject of telling lies including a great freer practice activity to get students talking. In addition links are provided for a TED talk that can be used to expand the lesson to sixty minutes or longer.
Lost! ESL Discussion Activity

Lost! ESL Discussion Activity

Students are presented with the classic sinking ship situation and they must choose who gets to go in the life boat. Included is a ppt to introduce the situation and the available passengers to choose from, along with a handout for the students detailing the passengers. It should provide for a lively debate between intermediate and above students.
Indirect ESL Questions + Cluedo

Indirect ESL Questions + Cluedo

An introduction to how to ask indirect questions in English followed by the Cluedo game, which you can find uploaded separately in the store. This is everything students need to be able ask indirect esl questions.
Lost in the Jungle ESL Activity

Lost in the Jungle ESL Activity

A speaking activity designed to fill a 45 minute ESL class if used in the correct way. Students are ‘lost in the jungle’, and then must decide what items are essential in pairs. Then joining with another pair to narrow the list down until eventually the class has their five essential items. It should provide for a lively discussion. It is aimed at intermediate level students, but would work with higher level students too.
Fun ESL Games

Fun ESL Games

Two separate versions of the ‘fun time’ game for ESL students. Class is divided into two teams, and then they can pick from one of five topics Drawing, Acting, Taboo, Question and Who/What Am I. Students then choose from one of eight options for each topic and come to the front of the class to do whatever they chose. Drawing is like Pictionary, Acting is Charades, Taboo is a well known game, questions allow a chance to review some knowledge learnt in class and Who/What Am I works on students logical thinking.
Indirect Question ESL Cluedo

Indirect Question ESL Cluedo

A chance for ESL students to practice using ‘indirect questions’ and as a consequence being more polite in English. This done with a variation on the classic board game Cluedo.
4 ESL Board Games

4 ESL Board Games

Four different ESL Board games aimed at getting beginner to intermediate students talking about a range of topics that they should be comfortable talking about. Mostly focus on their likes and dislikes and giving simple opinions on things.
Fill in the Blank

Fill in the Blank

A fun game to end almost any class with, 17 slides with different sentences on them. Divide the class into two equals teams, and make sure everyone has plenty of paper and a pen. Have a one player from each team and sit at the front of the class Show the first slide, and read the sentence Use the word ‘blank’ as the missing words in the sentence. The aim is for each team member to write down the same ‘blank’ word as their player at the front of the class. Both players and team members keep their answers secret. When everyone has written a word, ask the students at the front to reveal their answers. For each answer, the team members have that match their players answer, they get a point. Repeat with different players
12 Unusual Questions

12 Unusual Questions

A quick filler ppt to give your students something to talk about away from the more standard mundane questions found in most textbooks
English Expressions ESL

English Expressions ESL

A simple 75 page presentation where each page has a common English expression. Personally I use this is in class in a number of ways, either on a screen or printed out. One student must talk to the other, and make them say the expression on the screen or on their sheet before moving on to the next one.
Back Words ESL Activity

Back Words ESL Activity

An activity that could take 10 minutes or 30 minutes depending on your students level. It is primarily aimed at B1 level students. A team game focused on sound and spelling.
8 Steps To Success ESL Lesson

8 Steps To Success ESL Lesson

An approximately 40 minute ESL lesson for Intermediate and above students based around the 5 minute TED talk 8 steps to success. Lesson plan is available as a free download, which shows in more detail how to use the ppt. The purpose of the lesson is to firstly get students talking and discussing the ideas behind success, and secondly to practice their listening in an more interesting context.
ESL Introduction To Phrasal Verbs

ESL Introduction To Phrasal Verbs

A lesson based on a lot of different phrasal verbs, and the different meanings they can have both literal and non literal. Finishing up with a game that can be done as a whole class or in groups using the worksheet provided.
19 Ethical & Moral Dilemmas ESL Discussion

19 Ethical & Moral Dilemmas ESL Discussion

A presentation of 19 different ethical or moral dilemmas for ESL students to discuss. Aimed at Intermediate or higher level students, there are a few pieces of less common vocabulary, which will require explaining or concept checking.
Everyday Useful English Expressions ESL Game

Everyday Useful English Expressions ESL Game

This presentation is intended as a time filler or a warm up for an intermediate level English class. Either in pairs or with one student at the front with their back to the class, students have to explain what simple English phrase is on the board. It's a simple premise, but gets students thinking in English and activates their brains. Enjoy!